The Unofficial Guide to the World of “The Lord of the Rings” by Nicolas Gentile.
There is a world with lush hills, hypnotic forests and cities carved into the rock... In this place, the protagonist of many songs and legends, good and evil have fought for centuries and centuries, trying to get the better of each other. In your hands you have the most adventurous guide to Middle Earth: by leafing through these pages, you will be able to learn about its inhabitants and also the stories that have made it what it is, between centuries-old curses, weapons with magical powers and legendary love stories... Prepare your backpack and, please, don't forget your handkerchief! Recommended reading age: from 8 years.
Illustrations by Andrea Piparo

A detailed guide that allows Lord of the Rings lovers to immerse themselves in the fantastic world of Tolkien, among hobbits, elves, orcs, trolls and goblins. A book for children with curiosities, games, recipes and quizzes to immerse themselves in the places of Middle Earth and get to know its inhabitants.